Monday, June 20, 2011

The Bread of Life...

This week my husband is out of town. It leaves me with 4 fun and energetic kids to wrangle on my own. There will be no calvary coming in at supper time to relieve my frazzled nerves. But, somehow it always seems that God has a way of smoothing out the rough parts and making it easier than I expect. We are on Day #1 and so far it is going splendidly.

I decided to make homemade pretzels today. My kids love it when I make them. And after I made the bread, kneaded it, let it rise, punched it down, shaped it, and left it to rise on the pans; I had a moment to myself. I decided to seize the opportunity to take a shower and also to listen to some worship music. Have I mentioned I love worship music? I do. It soothes my soul and ministers to me. It reminds me of the faithfulness of the all-powerful God I serve. And the fact that my computer loaded with iTunes is in so close proximity to the shower makes it that much better. If you are a mom, then you know you have to multi-task. And so I sing and worship and shower and get ready. And life is good.

As I was singing and pondering God and life and bread I was reminded of one of the names of God:
Jesus, the Bread of Life
One of our pastors gave a sermon on that very subject just last month and it changed me.

Bread is a staple in life...something many of us eat every day. It is, in essence, the very stuff that keeps us alive. But there is something far better than earthly bread...Jesus. He is offering Himself. So often we get stuck on the physical part of our lives...the day to day grind, our needs and our wants. But as Pastor O so often says, "We are eternal, spiritual beings have a very short physical experience."

So, I remind myself. Don't get stuck in the now. Don't get so caught up in everything this world says we need. Human nature is to want Him to make our earthy life easier. To fix our here and now. But that's not what it's about. Not really.

Who He enough. He is our BREAD of LIFE. Our sustinence. Our life. Our everything.

It reminds me of the words to a worship song I have been singing over and over lately:

"All of You
Is more than enough for
All of me
For every thirst and
Every need
You satisfy me
With your love
And all I have in You
Is more than enough" words by Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio

Jesus, be MY Bread of Life. Teach me to lean on You. (John 6:25-42)