Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Making Injera and Other Adventures!

Hi everyone!

Once again I am writing from the beautiful country of Ethiopia. We had a pleasant day. Nothing too crazy and we had some down time which was SO nice. We again spent some very fun time with Tesfahun and Zenete. We are getting to know more of their personalities all the time.

Tesfahun is more laid back than I originally thought. He doesn't tend to get upset very easily. And when he wants something he makes this funny, "uhhh, uhhh" grunting noise. I would totally recognize it if I heard it now. :) He seems to get upset over waiting for food and doesn't really like having his diaper changed (he'd rather be moving), but otherwise he is kind of a content little man. This isn't to say he isn't super duper active. He IS! He zooms from place to place and seems so curious and concentrates on whatever he is doing. He is quite the hit around here and all the staff tell me how much they love him.

Zenete is sweet and cuddly and LOVES to be held, but don't let it fool you too much. She is also quite strong-willed and has a fast temper (comes on quickly and over just as soon). She knows how to stand her ground when Tesfahun tries to take something from her and it seems like she usually wins! She has a very funny personality....it is like she KNOWS she is funny and is always teasing people with her smiles and her eyes. She gets A LOT of attention around here, so she may be our little Drama Queen #2. She talks ALL THE TIME (what am I going to do with 2 chatterbox girls?) and seems to really like music.

Anyway, they are honeys and a lot of FUN. We are nervous about the flight home, but I think they will do OK.

Otherwise today we went over to the older kids home that holds toddlers and up. We had brought a gift for a little girl from her mom. It was SO fun to give it to her. She loved the gift. Then we watched them make injera and we even got to try making it. It was SO cool. In case you don't know, injera is like a sourdough pancake like flatbread. When you eat Ethiopian food you tear pieces of the injera off and scoop up the food with it. YUM. Anyway, it was really fun to try. The old ladies cooking thought it was a real hoot to see a man doing it! They have 2 colors of batter so you can make patterns. I made mine in rings like they usually do, but Tony got creative and put a cross in the middle of his!

Later, when the babies were sleeping, we went shopping for awhile. We got them some traditional Ethiopian outfits and other gifts. Our biggest and best purchase was a mesob (I think it is called that). It is a table woven in bright colors of wicker and in the shape of a vase with a lid. You take the lid off and the top is flat and you put the injera on that and eat. Well, when we got home and Sinadu, the cook, saw it she was SO excited! She served us our supper using the table. It was very cool. And there on top of it was the injera that Tony made in the shape of a cross....they all thought it was SO funny when he did that. We had a fun night and She is a fun lady.

So, now it is off to bed because we go to see the Blue Nile Gorge tomorrow. I guess it is beautiful. It is hard to leave the babies for the day, but this will be our last trip.

Tony and Jill

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