Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Oh the Mysterious Rash!

So, since we have been home we have been dealing with various issues common to international adoption. I affectionately refer to those things as "boogies and cooties"! We got home on a Sunday at 6pm and then we had to drag our jetlagged bodies to the Dr on Monday at 2.

We found out that Calvin had an ear infection and that Zahara had a nasty cold. Plus there was the mysterious rash on Zahara that popped up the week before we got her. So, they sent us home with antibiotics, creams, and specimin jars. Need I say more?

I am happy to say that the kiddoes are overwhelmingly VERY healthy. Calvin is all better, the cold is ancient history, but we are still dealing with the mysterious rash. The Dr. initially thought it might be scabies. So, we went through a funny ritual that Monday night we came home. Everyone got baths, then the cream from head to toe, then on with jammies and socks over the hands so the cream wouldn't get in mouths. Then in the morning, off with all the jammies and into the bath again. Then wash ALL the linens, and vacuum EVERYTHING! Then, repeat AGAIN a week later! It is a good thing Tony and I work well as a team. So, the result?...

The mysterious rash is STILL with us! AARRRRGH! I took Zahara back to the doctor today and we got a whole new set of medicines and instructions. I am sure hoping that it works this time. Poor baby. So, if you think of it, send up a prayer for little "Zaza" (as I like to call her). The rash hasn't spread to anyone else, so at least we have that going for us!

I know that "THIS TOO SHALL PASS". And one of these days it will all be ancient history!

Tony, Jill, Eliana, Calvin, and dear little rashy Zahara!

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